Tuesday, April 12

A Cornucopia of Shoes, Dissapointing Blog Content, Unfinshed Books Mentioned, Tea Rant.

Today I am wearing the white shoes Chaco bought in Cancun and gave me in Costa Rica. They are nice for walking. And while on the subject of shoes: I have too many. I wear two pairs--both are Rod Laver's, one in blue and one in green. The interesting thing about this is that I buy shoes all the time. I came to Norman in January with three pairs, I think, and now I have about fifteen. I must have brought more. Maybe I brought seven and bought seven. What ever the case, that seems like a lot of shoes. For two main reasons: 1)I am a man. 2)I don't wear them. Keep in mind that these shoes are not terribly expensive (most hail from Goodwill or Ross). That is probably all the information about my shoes you can stand. One last thought: I think they would nicely fill a cornucopia. I don't know why this occured to me, but they would. They are lovely different colors and styles and materials. A cornucopia of shoes.

Something like three days and already my blog content is deteriorating. Maybe because of all of the things I should be doing instead of this.

I will finish The Tipping Point this week. It is by Malcolm Gadwell. It is pretty mind blowing. I will detail a few of its studies here once I have finished it. They will blow your mind.

Last night I sipped a fantastic tea, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime. It is a bagged tea, which I tend to dislike due to my pretentiousness concerning proper tea habits. I bought it at Albertsons because I recalled my father's having a box of it in Mexico City, circa 1999. It is quite a lovely medley of chamomile and spearmint. Speaking of chamomile, I bought a package of loose flower chamomile at Moe's Indian Grocery Store across the street. Haven't tried it yet because the sickly sweet scent of it gags me.

I found an incredible web site for tea two days ago, Pekoe Sip House. I want to order most of the exotic greens and a few flavored blacks (almond, coconut). I need to get a few oolongs, just for the sake of comparison. In case you don't know what I am talking about: the three varieties of tea (actual tea, from the tree/bush/whatever) are green, black, and oolong.

I guess I better work. Crud. More later, I suppose


Blogger Matthew said...

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2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much tea, so little time...


4:33 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Nice site you got here. I'm enjoying the tea talk. I enjoy a good tea, perhaps one day you should educate me.

4:44 PM  
Blogger J Stu said...

Dude, tea in a bag is good too. You can't just discriminate like that. Lots of good things come in packages.....

9:42 PM  

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